Thomas Ebrahim

Professional Background:

Thomas Ebrahim has been working as a consultant and coach for various personalities in leadership and sales since 1994.
Born in Stuttgart, he began his career in sales of capital goods.
He then spent four years with a renowned international management consultancy as a senior consultant, specialising in marketing, sales, human resources and organisational development.
In 1998, he founded the RayCon Consulting Group, which was renamed RAYCON INTERNATIONAL – Thomas Ebrahim in 2015.

Activities As Guest Lecturer, Author and TV-Expert:

  • TV-Expert for communication, motivation and personality.
  • Presenter and Coach on German TV: “Juniorchef – Jetzt sind wir dran!”
    First broadcast on 22nd of October 2013 on Kabel 1.
  • Steinbeis University Berlin in context with MBA courses (Finance-MBA, Marketing-MBA and Media-MBA),
    Current topics: „Sales management, new negotiation strategies, communication and rhetoric “.
  • Freelance writer for the professional trade journal GW-trends,
    Topics: „Leadership, sales and communication“.
  • Speakers Profile.

Fields Of Expertise:
Communication, Sales, Key-Account-Management, Leadership, Training/Coaching, Personnel and organizational development.

Additional Qualifications:
NLP-Practitioner, Licensed Moderator, Transactional analysis (TA).

Certified Profiler:
ProfilingValues, DISC-Model.
